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Guy Wins 50,000 Subscribers Completing Fitness Challenge

Guy Wins 50,000 Subscribers Completing Fitness Challenge
Emily Wilcock
Writer and expert1 year ago
View Emily Wilcock's profile

Stan Browney started his YouTube channel back in 2013. Since then, he’s completed hundreds of challenges. Imagine any ridiculous fitness challenge, and he’s more than likely already done it. I mean he even broke the world record for the most pull-ups on a moving helicopter. He doesn’t mess around.

If you don’t believe me, more on that here:

Our Ambassadors

Pull-Up Challenge On Moving Helicopter

All in an attempt to beat the world record.

2 years agoBy Emily Wilcock

After hitting two million subscribers, Browney wanted to give back to one lucky follower in what he called the Two Million Subscriber Challenge. And that lucky winner — or unlucky, depending on how you look at it — was 20-year-old Johannes.

Johannes has a YouTube channel with roughly 300 subscribers. He wants to pursue growing his YouTube channel, but his parents instead want him to go to university. Browney heard his cries and invited him out to his studio.



Unsuspecting, Johannes arrived at Browney’s studio thinking they were in for a day of fun challenges. And he was, but it was more than just that. For the Two Million Subscriber Challenge, Browney had lined up a number of events — all challenges that Johannes needed to complete. But there was a twist. For each challenge he lost, he’d also lose a life. And for each challenge he won, he’d gain a life. These lives would help him out in the final challenge, but this was a secret.


Dead hang challenge

First up, a fitness challenge classic. You've probably seen this challenge on show many times. It’s the dead hang challenge. The rules: hang from the bar for the allotted amount of time. The prize? $100.

Unfortunately, after completing over half of the 100 seconds allocated, Johannes’ hands couldn’t take it any longer. And he lost a life.


Martial arts board breaking

Next up was board breaking. Arjen led the way, teaching Johannes the technique to use. He made it look far too easy. Johannes needed to complete four levels. The first two were easy enough. For level three he needed two attempts but still passed. And then it went downhill at level four. His knuckles were bright red, but he tried to soldier on. Unfortunately, he couldn’t complete the final level and lost another life.


Question round

A simple round with a simple premise. Browney asked a question, and Johannes answered. If he got it right, he got a life. Out of the three questions he got one answer right and won one life.

Fun fact: a 90-day challenge is in fact 91 days long. I’d have slipped up on that one too.


Grab the bar

In Browney’s studio he has a bar that’s the height of an official basketball hoop. All Johannes had to do was grab it in 60 seconds, which he did with time to spare. Another life in the bank.


Grab the bar - part two

With Johannes making the bar grab challenge look so easy, Browney upped the stakes. Johannes had three attempts to grab the bar, with no run up. And if he did this, he’d win $1,000. Let’s just say Johannes left with a fuller wallet than when he arrived …


Biceps curls

This challenge didn’t have any rewards in terms of lives; it had something much better. Money.

All Johannes had to do was bicep curls with a 2lb dumbbell (which translates to roughly 0.9kg) for as many reps as possible. One rep was one dollar. He didn’t gain any lives, but he was $543 richer.


Press-up challenge

Browney loves a press-up challenge, and this one was particularly hard. Johannes had to complete press-ups in line with a song for three minutes and 30 seconds. Sadly, he lasted only one minute and 38 seconds and lost another life.


100m space hopper race

This challenge looked like it might provide some light relief from the other gruelling challenges of the day. Wrong. 100m is a lot further than it looks, especially on a space hopper.

With no lives up for grabs, the round was simple. Beat Arjen. And he did. He then received something that would prove invaluable later in the challenge. If you’ve watched popular TV quizzes, you’ll be familiar with the “phone a friend” lifeline. If you don’t know the answer, you ask your friend to help. And the prize for beating Arjen was similar. He received an “Arjen Joker card”, which he could use in the final challenge.



Johannes is a basketball player, so this one was easy. Or at least it was before Browney applied the pressure. All Johannes had to do was score from a distance of 3m. But if he failed, he’d lose the $1543 he’d made so far as well as all of the lives he’d accrued. Luckily, he made the shot and gained a life in the process.



The ultimate challenge

With four lives in the bag Johannes was whisked away for the final challenge — an assault course. There was only one rule: he couldn’t touch the floor. If he did, he'd lose a life.

After the first two rounds Johannes’ bag of lives had taken a big hit. After losing another on a particular challenge he pulled out the big guns: Arjen. It was a good job he did, since Arjen completed the challenge, making it look easy.

With just one life remaining, the pressure was on. But he didn’t let it get to him. He went from strength to strength, completing rounds that even Browney couldn’t do.

And before he knew it, it was time for the final obstacle. The Ninja Warrior warped wall. Notorious for its difficulty, it was no surprise that Johannes was overwhelmed — how could he not be? But it turned out that he didn’t need to be. Having completed the first two walls without a hitch, he took on the third and final wall. With three attempts under his belt, he eyed up the obstacle and ran at it. He didn’t succeed on the first attempt, but that just made him more determined. And that was it: victory.


Take home message

It wouldn’t be a Browney challenge without an incredible prize, and he didn’t disappoint. Not only did Johannes walk away with all the money he won — a total sum of $1,543 — but he also walked away with the promise of 50,000 subscribers to help his YouTube channel take off.

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Emily Wilcock
Writer and expert
View Emily Wilcock's profile
After completing an internship with Myprotein, Emily returned to university to finish her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and Marketing. With experience in lifestyle writing, Emily aims to entertain and educate through her work. Her focuses include recipes, real and inspiring stories, and working with writers to help provide easy-to-digest evidence-based research. Her work on recipes has been previously featured in The Supplement magazine, with a particular focus on high-protein, nutritious meals, plus advice on how to properly fuel your body. Outside of work, Emily’s top priority is food. She’s a self-professed star baker and a connoisseur of all things baked. In her spare time, she’s either cooking up a storm, our looking out for the opportunity to try out Manchester’s newest restaurants. But as a huge fan of carbs, if it’s not pasta or pasta-adjacent, she’s not interested. If she’s not in the kitchen, she’s tucked up with a book for an early night, or you’ll find her in the gym working up a sweat. Afterall, all those carbs require quite the appetite.